Saturday, May 22, 2010

Checking out the CHARACTER of hopeful-elects is our job!

I haven't gotten a lot of response, and I have been busy, so I haven't written for a while.
Unfortunately, I am not surprised by the state of the economy or the feelings of concern, for the future of America, that I hear from friends and co-workers everyday.
I, too, am concerned with what is happening in our country. The joy of a hard day's work is stolen when I look at my paycheck and see the remains after taxes and deductions. The worry, of how much worse it will get if things continue on the same path, steals peace and contentment when I think about the next few years...when normally I would be thinking about retiring and traveling.
It seems like everyone is talking about, without being able to be specific about exactly what is costing more, that everything seems to be inching upward so that with the same or for many, less money, we can now barely get by. It is certainly a worry.
Right now there are a lot of preliminary elections going on. It is important for each of us to pay attention to the CHARACTER of each person trying to be elected for office. Events will change, requirements might call for unexpected choices. But, if the CHARACTER of each elected official is above reproach, we won't need to worry. We will all just pull together and keep our country going in the right direction.
What will NOT work, is if we elect people who say what they think we want to hear...and then have their own agenda down the road. Just as the Congress has to review and check qualifications for the people chosen for particular jobs in the government, so must we check the veracity and honesty of everything the hopeful-elect says and does. None of this, "I'm sorry, I mis-spoke"... to that I say, "Bologney! 'Say what is...not what you want us to think is!'"
So, that is my message...let's look carefully at every candidate and make sure that the things they are advertising are the things they actually think and the behavior they actually live is what they say. If it can't be verified, doubt it!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Even more on health care...

To: All government employees
I don't want to get into the ins and outs of the health care bills up for discussion. Hear is something to chew on...if it isn't good enough for the president and his family, or for congress and their families, why should we accept it? Make it good enough for everyone. If it is so great, be required to have it for yourselves and your loved ones. That will get my attention!

This Toyota fiasco really has me scratching my head in wonder!

We, in the automotive industry are watching these Toyota recalls in amazement. This certainly isn't the first time that problems have been discovered with regard to vehicle performance. What is shocking is the nonchellance of the public, the Toyota management, and even our American congress.
For one thing, there have been complaints of unintended acceleration since 2002. There are accounts that drivers have been blamed for accidents and Toyota has done nothing. Deaths have been reported for years and there has been a report on FOX News that Toyota management were seen laughing at the money they have saved by not acknowledgeing the problem. Now, after a policeman and was recorded on a 911 phone call in a car that he could not stop, (ultimately killing everyone in the car) was heard, Toyota is offering a quick fix. They can't even guarantee that the "fix" actually fixes anything. They still deny the many deaths that have occured, stating very small numbers...3-5...when we know there have been more.
What the public is getting are smooth commercials with carefully chosen words..we are here for you...we have always been a company with great cars...we still are that great company...etc. The reality is that they are after the almighty dollar and don't care about human life. By putting off repairs and recalls, they have made millions...maybe even billions.
Maybe it was someone else at the helm, but now, step up, be honest and acknowledge the failure to respond appropriately and stop feeding us what you think we want to hear! I, for one, would be far more forgiving if given honesty than I am inclined to be with carefully prepared statements.
As far as congress is concerned, I am ashamed at the number of congressmen and women who are taking the money they are paid by American citizens and buying imported vehicles with that money. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? Do they not get that our citizens need jobs. Even if some workers are employed by Toyota of America, the profits are sent back to Japan! Get the American manufactures working and hiring more people and keeping our profits HERE! Do you have any idea how many of our vehicles are sold there? Nearly none.
We need to think. Listen and think...not just buy everything that is said and believe it to be true because it was on TV or on the internet. Ask someone who knows. Ask people involved in the auto industry. Ask them if the response by Toyota has been appropriate. I say NO, it has not. Stop buying these imports blindly saying, or thinking, they will fis it, they're great cars, it never happened to me so it must be exaggerated! STOP!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A lot of hullabaloo about Senator Reid...

Whether I like Senataor Reid or not is not the issue at all. There have been people in the recent past and beyond who have said things, maybe in jest, or in anger, or even in a drunken state of mind, the real issue here, I think, is that they are thought at all. And, unfortunately, it isn't just in the form of slurs that are disturbing. I am a firm believer that if you voted for President Obama because he is black, it was wrong. I also believe that if you voted against him because he is black is also wrong. Until we elect based only on ability or personality or experience, or something other than physical attributes, (color or gender), as though we had blinders on and couldn't even see the color, we will never be free of bigotry.
Years ago, my daughter was in 3rd grade. She came home day after day telling us about , "her friend, George."  Finally, one day we were picking her up and she introduced us to George. He was a black boy in her same grade. What we have always found facinating is that it never occurred to Jordan to say, "I have new friend, he's black and his name is George." We didn't care one way or another, but IT NEVER EVEN OCCURRED TO HER. Isn't that amazing?
Suppose, when a white president was elected, there were staff members of all colors...chosen by their skill and experience and not the president's indebtedness or racial allegiance. Or the same for a black president, the White House wouldn't suddenly be filled with black people, but all colors and genders. And this should be extended to entrance to schools and every job opportunity and whatever. Choose by qualifications and not color or gender.
No-one wants to hear it, but there is as much bias towards the non-white, non-male as there has been towards the black and minority people. All the way is not a good choice.
Sometimes I think that the minority feels like it is pay-back time. That isn't going to advance good will or help to eliminate bigotry. Do you agree or am I just out in left field?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We, the people want to be heard!

In the United States of America, it is our right and our duty to let our wants and need known to our political representatives. And as our representatives, it is their responsibility to listen and relay those wants and needs to the leaders in Washington.
There are a lot of pundits commenting on the Senatorial race in Massechusets today. Typically this state votes Democratic, or at least liberal. Tonight, however, Scott Brown, (R) won over Martha Coakley,(D)even after President Obama went and promoted her.
I think that the main topic hit upon over and over again has been that the people feel like they aren't being listened to. In this very blue state, the voting isn't so much for Brown or agains Coakley as it has been a message to politicians in Washington, that ,"they don't like what is going on!"
In events like the Tea Parties and ralleys being held, the American people just  wanted to be heard...instead they were ridiculed and called names. But until the messages are received..."we don't like the Health Care Bill, "we don't want any more spending," we don't want deals made behind closed doors, "and we don't want special treatment for some, that will have to be paid for by others." And finally,"You politicians in Washington are there because, we, the people, put you there to represent us...not to run over us." This turn of events will continue to occur. Messages will continue to be sent, until President Obama, Reid and Polosi "get it".
As I have said from the beginning, here is a place to be heard. Comment...add your two cents worth! If enough of us get talking...there will bw a loud noise that won't be ignored.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More thoughts on healthcare...

Today I was listening with half an ear to the news. Again, healthcare was the topic. The democrats were divided, those on the left debating with those who were more moderate.
I was surprised to hear that, I think it was the Washington Post, did a poll and reported that over 60% of the people want a "public option". Supposedly all the other polls, Gallup, Rasmussen and other public poles say it is more like 48% to 46%, for and against and as we draw closer to finalizing this Healthcare thing, it is even lower.
The thing that we can all agree on is that there is a need for a change in the healthcare system...but it has to be one that really is better! Not a change just for change sake. That is the best thing about all the discussion going on. We might actually figure out a solution so that everybody has medical care, we won't put the country under with all the expense, and seniors, handicapped and other more needy groups won't be marginalized or exploited.
So, I guess that means we all need to pay attention, consider the plans that are being discussed and decide what we think will work best. And then we need to make our conclusions be known.
If we say and do nothing, we will have given up our right to complain about the outcome!

It's a new decade as well as a new year!

A coworker brought up some comments that he has been hearing since the new year has begun. Things like, "I'm glad that year is finally over..."," man, that was a tough year, this year should be better...",etc. What it brings to mind is that there is optomism in the air. That's great! We need optomism.
At work we have spent the time to consider last year, reviewing what worked and what didn't. Then we each put together some individual goals. I think everyone is looking for things to try that they might not have even considered before. What I am getting to is that it was a tough year last year. I don't think any of us were untouched by the bizarre economic times we are in, even if it wasn't us personally...certainly someone we know or is close to has been effected. BUT, we are eecking by and growing stronger and getting smarter and because of our efforts and not giving in, things will be better in 2010!
(Here is a quote I came across recently:
So, we all need to hang in there and keep getting up when challenges knock us is The American Way after all!